Title: Worth a Detour – New Zealand’s Unusual Attractions and Hidden Places
Author: Peter Janssen
Publisher: Hodder Moa
Going for a tiki-tour around the country-side is as kiwi as Watties tomato sauce and mince pies.
Noted New Zealand travel writer Peter Janssen has compiled the perfect book to guide you around the nation’s more obscure landmarks and places of note.
Worth a Detour highlights the unusual delights around the country that you wouldn’t find in your standard tourist manual but are treasure troves for the canny traveler to discover – and avoid the usual tourist hoards.
Each scenic delight includes a brief synopsis, contact and opening hours details (where appropriate) and instructions to find these hidden gems.
The author promises “something for everyone” from the collection of old Morris Minors in Haumoana, Hawkes Bay to the New Zealand Malt Whiskey Company in Oamaru.
Here in the mighty Waikato, Janssen has uncovered some home grown charms that are probably well known and well loved by locals but probably of by the general public.
Highlights include the beautifully isolated and scenic Marokopa waterfalls near Waitomo, the Te Awamutu museum’s True Colours exhibition exalting the town’s most famous sons, Neil and Tim Finn and Tokoroa’s “Talking Poles,” beautiful carvings doted throughout the township.
With the summer holidays coming up, now is the perfect time to grab a copy of Peter Jenssen’s “Worth a Detour” and plan your next trip around Aotearoa to take in some of these hidden jewels off the beaten track.
Noted New Zealand travel writer Peter Janssen has compiled the perfect book to guide you around the nation’s more obscure landmarks and places of note.
Worth a Detour highlights the unusual delights around the country that you wouldn’t find in your standard tourist manual but are treasure troves for the canny traveler to discover – and avoid the usual tourist hoards.
Each scenic delight includes a brief synopsis, contact and opening hours details (where appropriate) and instructions to find these hidden gems.
The author promises “something for everyone” from the collection of old Morris Minors in Haumoana, Hawkes Bay to the New Zealand Malt Whiskey Company in Oamaru.
Here in the mighty Waikato, Janssen has uncovered some home grown charms that are probably well known and well loved by locals but probably of by the general public.
Highlights include the beautifully isolated and scenic Marokopa waterfalls near Waitomo, the Te Awamutu museum’s True Colours exhibition exalting the town’s most famous sons, Neil and Tim Finn and Tokoroa’s “Talking Poles,” beautiful carvings doted throughout the township.
With the summer holidays coming up, now is the perfect time to grab a copy of Peter Jenssen’s “Worth a Detour” and plan your next trip around Aotearoa to take in some of these hidden jewels off the beaten track.
Oh this might be worth a look! I've taken Ryan around most of the North Island and some of the South. Eventually we'll run out of areas to discovere and this might be a good aide in planning future trips!
I might have to create a list of some of the books to buy when in NZ, there are three or four now that you've mentioned.
Wow, I luv ur blog!
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