I'm a bit in awe of authors. They have achieved that rare and magical thing that I covert; to have a book published with their name on it. Consequently I put them up on a bit of a idol worshipping pedestal - and I was delighted to find one of my favourite kiwi authors most certainly belongs up there.
Last weekend I had the pleasure of meeting Michelle Holman and Deborah Challinor. Both Waikato based ladies are New Zealand best sellers and were at Hamilton Library for New Zealand Book Month. They were friendly, talkative and honest. Oh and funny! They were the perfect combination; Michelle Holman's zesty wit coupled with Deborah Challinor's drollness.
And it was the reigning queen of kiwi chick lit (sorry Sarah-Kate Lynch :P) in particular who completely charmed the audience. Oh okay yes, and me!
Yes I have an author crush on Michelle Holman.
She spoke engagingly and dynamically about her writing, how her novels are formed, her writing style, her journey to publishing (and what a lucky old story it is too) and all the highs and lows of being a novelist in Aotearoa. Afterwards she was super friendly and polite, chatting and encouraging as she signed books for the small but eager crowd. She took time to personally sign the books with a wee message.
And then today while strolling through the local mall, who should I bump into collecting for breast cancer research but...Michelle Holman! And to my absolute delight, she remembered me! (as well as impressing the socks off my boyfriend that a bone fide author "knew" me!) She again encouraged me to keep on writing (I've taken the plunge and signed up for NaNoWriMo - see blog button to your right) and asked me to let her know how I get on.
She was so genuine and lovely and left me absolutely buzzing with happiness. And yes, crushing just a little.
I can't wait to get my hands on a copy of her third novel "Knotted."
And if by some miracle you read this Ms Holman - thank you!!
And it was the reigning queen of kiwi chick lit (sorry Sarah-Kate Lynch :P) in particular who completely charmed the audience. Oh okay yes, and me!
Yes I have an author crush on Michelle Holman.

She spoke engagingly and dynamically about her writing, how her novels are formed, her writing style, her journey to publishing (and what a lucky old story it is too) and all the highs and lows of being a novelist in Aotearoa. Afterwards she was super friendly and polite, chatting and encouraging as she signed books for the small but eager crowd. She took time to personally sign the books with a wee message.
And then today while strolling through the local mall, who should I bump into collecting for breast cancer research but...Michelle Holman! And to my absolute delight, she remembered me! (as well as impressing the socks off my boyfriend that a bone fide author "knew" me!) She again encouraged me to keep on writing (I've taken the plunge and signed up for NaNoWriMo - see blog button to your right) and asked me to let her know how I get on.
She was so genuine and lovely and left me absolutely buzzing with happiness. And yes, crushing just a little.
I can't wait to get my hands on a copy of her third novel "Knotted."
And if by some miracle you read this Ms Holman - thank you!!
Isn't it wonderful to discover that someone whom you admire is a real and genuine person? I have a lot of respect for people who inspire and encourage others to achieve. A personal touch can go such a very long way.
I have nothing contsrtuctive to say, other than, I can't bloody believe your still going! Nice work
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