But it hasn't stopped the reading though.
So here's a quick wander through a few of my latest reads...
Handle With Care - Jodi Picoult
Exactly what we have come to expect from Ms Picoult, formulaic and somewhat predictable but still an enjoyable, easy read, this time about a little girl named Willow with Osteogenesis Imperfecta - brittle bone disease. The crux of the story is Willow's mum tears the family apart to sue her midwife (who just happens to be her best friend) for not seeing soon enough Willow had this disease during the pregnancy.

A few gripes to be had though and warning these do contain spoilers:
1) there was a completely superfluous storyline involving the lawyer and her adoption, a stronger edit would have taken care of this insultingly predictable plot.
2) Handle With Care, Picoult's 16th novel, also suffered something of an originality fail - borrowing thematic elements from previous novels, particularly My Sister's Keeper, often in quite obvious ways.
3) Things often didn't ring true. For instance, we are expected to believe 6-year-old Willow is incredibly bright and has an advanced reading age, managing to read and comprehend the classic To Kill A Mockingbird yet had to be baby talked through what a lawsuit was by her mother. Or another example, the family are on the point of collapse financially due to costs caused by Willow's illness, yet the cheque for $8 million dollars damages they win in the court case goes uncashed, and is instead left magneted to the fridge.
4) Just once I would like to see Ms Picoult break out of the mould and have her characters not win in uplifting dramatic style in the court room. You can't win all the time.
I'm in two minds as to whether I will pick up her next offering. There's no doubt Ms Picoult is a good story teller but maybe her writing is suffering from the frequency of which she delivers books.
The Future Home makers of America - Laurie Graham

A gorgeous novel about the wives of 96th Bombers regiment that has given me something of an author crush on Laurie Graham. The story starts off in England where the American 96th bombers are based and the life long, endearing friendships begin which survive infidelity, love, death, spousal abuse, success, failure, religion and taxidermy. Cliched but true, I laughed and I cried and I lapped up every word of this fresh, fast paced novel told through the sassy strong voice of Peggy.
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time - Mark Haddon

Firmin - Sam Savage
Firmin is quite possibly the most intelligent rat to walk the planet. Born in a second hand book

I absolutely loved A Curious Incident. I was fascinated by the 'inside' view of Asperger's Syndrome after having taught several students with the condition. It's one of the few books that I happily read over and over again.
I LOVED Curious Incident - it was an awesome book. Haven't read any of these others but it's great to hear what you've been reading :-)
I almost bought a curious incident at the book store last week but decided I should read what I have and then buy more (which might actually tie in with when I have money to actually BUY books again lol).
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