So I just finished reading Ann Leary's new novel The Good House and I have a burning question for the author.
Not about the plot or how the idea for the story came to her, was Hildy's story of alcoholism based on a personal experience or why did she set the story in a small coastal town in Massachusetts. Not why did she choose to right about a 60-ish year old woman and what were the challenges of writing about someone this age.
No, my question is: why did Ms Leary name the autistic character Jake's cat Sneakers - which the acknowledgements at the book's end states is the same as her own pet kitty?!?
I *must* know! :P
As an aside, I've just learned there's a movie of this novel to be made with the go-to actress for any film with an older woman character, Meryl Streep, cast as Hildy. Robert de Niro will play her friend/romantic interest Frankie. I'm super curious as to who will play the young, beautiful but obsessive Rebecca - there's no word on that yet.
Oh! This is my 300th blog post! *long time coming*
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